Thursday, March 24, 2022

To ask if there’s any work available at a company


Dear Yasmin Smith,

I know that you are probably busy, so I will keep this brief. I am a recent Engineering graduate from Cardiff University, and I am looking for my first full-time role. I deeply admire Mrs. Smoothies as a brand and have a profound respect for your mission to make delicious and sustainably sourced drinks. I would be delighted at the chance to put the skills I have learned to use with you. Are there any work opportunities available for someone of my skill set and experience level? 

I see that you have no such positions advertised at the moment, but thought it would be worth reaching out in the event that something comes up in the near future. In any case, I would love to connect with you to stay abreast of new openings at Mrs. Smoothies

Many thanks for your time and consideration. 

Yours sincerely,

George Spatula   

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