Monday, February 7, 2022

Welcome Message in Whatsapp



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General, you want your customers to know that they’ll be attended to, and need a direction of where to go next. Here are a few example templates for your WhatsApp welcome message:


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Hi there!

My name is [name] and I am very happy to welcome you on board with [Company]!

You joined thousands of [user’s persona profession] who are already skyrocketing their sales with [Company] by:

[Benefit 1] [Benefit 2] [Benefit 3] 

There’s just one more tiny step you need to take to achieve all these amazing things:

[CTA that activates the customer]


From <>



Hi there!

Welcome to the [Company] Family!

I am glad that you are reading this email. I will be happy to help you grow your business.

As a thank you for joining us, I would like to give you a gift. 

Get [link to some free resources] now!

You will find there [useful thing #1], [useful thing #2], and my personal favorite—[useful thing #3].


From <>




Welcome To [Company]

Your World Of [Niche] Awaits

We’re so glad you’re here! You are now part of a growing community of [professionals] creating, collaborating, and connecting across the globe via [Company’s tool].

Whether you’ve joined to create [something of your own] or just to connect with [other professionals], we’ve got something for you.

Let’s go!


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Thank you for signing up for our newsletter. We appreciate your interest.

We will do our best to notify you about [interesting and useful resources].

May we kindly ask you where you heard about [Company]?


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[Unusual way to say hello]

My name is [Company’s mascot] and I’m [funny job title] at [Company]. Tell me how we can help you.


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Hi there! Welcome to our website. Ask us anything.

Hi there! Welcome to [Company]. If you need any assistance, I’m always here.

Welcome to [Company]. If you need any assistance, reply to this message. We are online and ready to help!

Hello there! I am your [shopping assistant/consultant] today and am here to help you. Ask me anything!

Hey there, Welcome to [Company]! My name is [First Name]. Is there anything I can help you with?


From <>





Welcome to [Company]!

Hooray! You are an official [Company] user now. Here some helpful resources:

[Link to FAQ]: Answers to most of your questions. [Link to your discussion forum]: Chat with other users. [Link to resources]: Our knowledge base. [Link to tutorials]: Learn useful tips & tricks

We hope this is enough to get you started. Let us know if you need any help.


From <>




Hi there! We missed you and we prepared a little gift for you!

Hi! It’s great to see you back! We have a special discount for our returning customers. Are you interested?

Welcome back! Good to see you again. Can we help you with anything?


From <>




Welcome to your new [Company] account! We hope you will enjoy it very much!

With your [Company] profile, you will have access to:

Feature #1 Feature #2 Feature #3

If [condition], you can also use [feature #4].

Please do not reply to this email. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service team at [link].


From <>







– Hello there! My name is [your name]. How can I help you today?😊


– Buenos Días! Welcome to Toys Land. What can I help you with today, [name]?


– Good Morning [name], how can I help?


– Cześć, [name]! How can I assist you today?


– Buonasera [name], how can I help you?😊


From <>




– Hello [name]! Thank you for your message. Your order [order number] hasn’t been updated yet, and we are working on it. 😊


– Good morning [name]. We received your message. Thank you for sharing your feedback and contacting us! I would like to let you know that we are working on solving your issue, and you should receive more information within [time] via [email/phone].


– Thank you for your message, [name]. I checked your order just now, and our [department] already took action on this. You will receive more information within [time].


From <>



Hello [name],

Thank you for your message.

Your order [order number] hasn’t been updated yet, but we’ve already reached out to the vendor.

As soon as we have information about your order, we will let you know, and it should happen within [time]. Don’t hesitate to reach out with more questions.


Many thanks,

[your name]


From <>




Dear [name],

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your opinion on the experience with us.

Your issue with [issue] is currently being examined by the [department] and you will receive more information within [time].


Many thanks,

[your name] 

Good evening, [name] 😊

Thanks so much for reaching out! We are sorry that you’re having [subject] issues, and we want to get it taken care of as soon as possible. Our apologies!

Our [department] is already solving your issue. You will receive more information on [day of the week] at the latest.


Thank you for your patience and understanding!

[your name]


From <>



Generic welcome 1




Other types 2


Hello !
Welcome to Mitszoo.

👉Mitszoo Provide the Daily Life Uses Product.

👉Mitszoo provide all product best price and best services.

👉So check out our product categories and product..

👉All Products Best Quality and Best Price.

👉 All Product Delivered best courier Partner so not any default products provide.

👉All products return time period is 7 day.


  • Hi! Welcome to <store name> where you can find everything you need in <product category>.

    Your message has been sent over to the support team and one of the team members will get in touch with you within 24 hours.

    In the meantime, you can look through our collection of products here - <link>. And if you have any questions, please refer to our FAQ section here.

    Thank you!
    <support team>

  • Hi! Thank you for your message. One of our team members will get back to you within the next 24 hours.

    In the meanwhile, you can look through our FAQ section here - <link>. Feel free to browse through the latest releases on the “New additions” page here - <link>

    Thank you,
    <support team>

  • Hello! Good to see you. Did you already know we currently offer a 50% discount on all of our products? The code is XXXX. Don’t tell anybody 😉 Let me know if you have any other questions and I will get back to you shortly!
  • Thank you for your message! We will get back to you within 24 hours. Kind regards, the [your business] Team
  • Thank you for your message! We’re delighted to have you today. We’d love to help you right away but we’re *currently closed* 🕦 (please view business hours here - <link>).

    Did you know, we have a help section that answers questions that we get asked very often? You may be able to find your answers here too - <link>

    Kind regards,
    Team <support>
  • A line about your store - “Welcome to <store name> where you can find everything you need in <category of products>.”
  • Reassurance - “We’ve received your message and someone from the support team should reach out to you very shortly”
  • Link to products page - “While we get back to you, feel free to browse through the products on <link>”
  • Link to FAQs - “And if you have any questions, the FAQ page is a great place to get immediate answers. <link to faq>”

Whatsapp Bulk Messages sender

Friday, February 4, 2022

Monitor your account health


To view your account health, follow these instructions:

To view your account health, follow these instructions:

1. Go to Seller Central homepage.

2. Under Performance, click Account Health.

The Account Health page provides an overview of your seller account's adherence to the performance targets and policies required to sell on Amazon. To ensure we are delivering a great experience for our customers, Amazon might take action on these metrics if they do not comply with our targets.

We regularly review the performance of all sellers and notify them when they are off-target. The intent of this review is to give you the opportunity to improve your performance before the issue affects your ability to sell. Occasionally, seller accounts with very poor performance are immediately deactivated.

The Account Health page provides an overview of your seller account's adherence to the performance targets and policies required to sell on Amazon. To ensure we are delivering a great experience for our customers, Amazon might take action on these metrics if they do not comply with our targets.

We regularly review the performance of all sellers and notify them when they are off-target. The intent of this review is to give you the opportunity to improve your performance before the issue affects your ability to sell. Occasionally, seller accounts with very poor performance are immediately deactivated.

Appeal a deactivated seller account

If your seller account has been deactivated, you may be eligible for reinstatement. You can appeal by providing us with a plan of action for correcting the problems that contributed to the enforcement action. Learn how to Appeal the restriction or removal of selling privileges.

Performance metrics

The Account Health page provides you with visibility into your seller account's adherence to the targets for various product policies as well as the below performance metrics:

Order Defect Rate

The Order Defect Rate (ODR) is a key measure of your ability to provide a good customer experience. It includes all orders with one or more defects represented as a percentage of total orders during a given 60-day time period. The following are the types of order defects:

Our policy is that sellers maintain an ODR under 1% in order to sell on Amazon. An ODR above 1% may result in account deactivation.

Cancellation Rate

The Cancellation Rate (CR) is calculated as all seller-cancelled orders represented as a percentage of total orders over both a 7-day and a 30-day period. CR only applies to seller-fulfilled orders.

This metric includes all order cancellations initiated by the seller or when an order is cancelled automatically by Amazon because the seller has not shipped and ship-confirmed the order

CR does not include

Sellers are recommended to keep CR under 2% to enable good customer experience and maintain good seller performance metrics. To avoid impacting these metrics, we recommend that you ship out your orders by ESD. Consistent poor performance may result in poor customer experience and could lead to enforcement action including loss of selling privileges on

Late Dispatch Rate

The Late Dispatch Rate (LDR) is calculated as all orders ship confirmed after the expected ship date (ESD) as a percentage of total orders, over both a 10-day and a 30-day period. LDR only applies to seller-fulfilled orders.

It is important to confirm the shipment of orders by the expected ship date so that customers can see the status of their shipped orders online. Orders that are ship confirmed late may negatively impact customer experience and lead to increased claims, negative feedback or customer contacts or both.

For orders shipped through Amazon Easy Ship, ship confirmation happens automatically when Amazon picks up the orders.

Sellers are recommended to keep LDR under 2% to enable good customer experience and maintain good seller performance metrics. To avoid impacting these metrics, we recommend that you ship out your orders by ESD. Consistent poor performance may result in poor customer experience and could lead to enforcement action including loss of selling privileges on

Valid Tracking Rate

The Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) includes all shipments with a valid tracking number represented as a percentage of total shipments during a given 30-day time period. VTR only applies to seller-fulfilled orders.

Amazon customers depend on tracking numbers to find out where their orders are and when they can expect to receive them. The Valid Tracking Rate is a performance metric that reflects those expectations.

Orders with tracking tend to receive fewer A-to-z Guarantee claims and better seller feedback ratings. A VTR below 95% may result in the removal of your ability to sell seller-fulfilled items.

On-Time Delivery Rate

The On-Time Delivery Rate (OTDR) includes all shipments delivered by their estimated delivery date represented as a percentage of total tracked shipments. OTDR only applies to seller-fulfilled orders.

We recommend that sellers maintain an OTDR greater than 97% in order to provide a good customer experience, however, there is no penalty for not meeting the performance target at this time.

Return Dissatisfaction Rate

The Return Dissatisfaction Rate (RDR) measures the customers' satisfaction with their return experience. The following actions can cause a negative return experience:

Your Return Dissatisfaction Rate is all negative return requests represented as a percentage of total return requests.

Our policy is that sellers maintain an RDR under 10%. At this time, there is no penalty for not meeting the performance target, though customers with unresolved problems are more likely to submit negative feedback and A-to-z Guarantee claims.

Address buyer feedback

Certain negative performance metrics are caused by a buyer’s feedback based on their experience. Sellers should try to determine the cause of the problem and work with the buyer using one of the following options:

Use the Feedback Manager

Use the Buyer-Seller Messaging Service templates

For more information, see Email templates for Buyer-Seller Messaging Service.

Note: You can only use the Buyer-Seller Messaging templates to contact a buyer in regards to an order or a customer service question.


Monitor your account health


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  • Order Defect Rate
  • Cancellation Rate
  • Late Dispatch Rate
  • Valid Tracking Rate
  • Return Dissatisfaction Rate
  • Improving your performance
  • Create a plan of action to reactivate selling account
  • Go to Feedback under the Performance tab.
  • In the Recent Feedback table, select Contact Customer under the Actions column next to the designated Order ID.
  • Negative Return Feedback Rate: when a return request has negative buyer feedback.
  • Late Response Rate: when no response is provided for a return within 48 hours.
  • Invalid Rejection Rate: when a return is incorrectly denied.
  • cancellations that are requested by the customer using the order-cancellation options in their Amazon account, when cancelled by sellers using the reason as ‘Buyer Cancelled’
  • pending orders that are cancelled by the customer directly on Amazon
  • within 24 hours of the Estimated Ship Date (ESD) for standard orders and
  • within ESD for Easy Ship Guaranteed Delivery and Local Shops orders
  • Negative feedback
  • An A-to-z Guarantee claim that is not denied
  • Credit card chargeback
  • Go to Seller Central homepage.
  • Under Performance, click Account Health.

Asking for more details

– Hey [name], thank you for reaching out to us. Of course, I can help you with [issue], but I need to ask you for your [info needed] in order to authenticate you.

– Hello [name], I can certainly help you with that. However, I will need some details from you first. What is your [info needed]?

– Sure! I will take care of it now, but could you please send me your [info needed] so I can proceed with fixing the issue on your account directly?

From <> 

Dear [name],

Thank you for reaching out!

Of course, I will help you with [issue], but I need to ask you for your [info needed], so [department] will contact you later this week with the most effective solution.

Thank you in advance for your fast reply,


From <> 

Hello [name],

Thank you for your patience and understanding. To proceed with the [issue] as you wanted, I will need your [info needed].

Could you please send it to me by [time], so I can start?

Thank you in advance,


From <> 

Good evening [name],

Thank you for reaching out to us and signaling the problem with [issue]. I will take care of that as soon as I can, but before that, I need to ask you for your [info needed] so I can log in to the system from your account.

I appreciate your patience and understanding,


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