Monday, February 7, 2022

Offering alternative solutions


– [name], I’m sorry to inform you that at the time, we cannot complete your request. Nonetheless, I wanted to reach out with some alternative resources [link] to direct you to.


– [name], please take a look at [link], where you will find a full overview of [info].


– This is currently not possible with our capacity, but there is a DIY workaround process that includes installing [link] on your dashboard.


From <>



Dear [name],

Due to the approaching holiday, we will not be able to fulfill your request by [time]. Here [link] is the resource that can help you solve this issue by yourself. Would that work for you?

Please, let me know.

Thank you in advance for your reply,



From <>



Hello [name],

I assume you want to [action]. Here [link], you will find a full overview of [functionality] and a detailed description of how to use it.

Should you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out.

Many thanks,


Good evening [name],

Thank you for reaching out to us. Unfortunately, this feature is still in the beta phase, so it’s not recommended to use it for [action]. However, what you might find useful is [resource], where you can read about the process and how to start it.

I hope this will solve your problem.

Let me know if that’s the case!

Best regards,



From <>



It’s been a while… 

And we miss you. 


That’s why we’re offering you a [insert discount/free gift] on your next purchase with us! 🎉


Simply copy and paste this special discount code [code] to any of your checkouts before [cut-off date]. 📅 Easy peasy!


Hope to see you back at our store soon!


From <>




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