Monday, February 7, 2022

Putting on hold

 – Would you mind holding on for [time] while I am checking this with [person or department name]?


– [customer name], the hold will take a bit longer than I initially thought. Would you mind continuing holding or prefer leaving your email or phone number, so I can get back to you later?


– I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I spoke with our [department] and it looks like your request can be fulfilled, but it will take [time].


– I’m sorry for the hold. I managed to run through all the records we have on our file, and it seems that […]


– Sorry for the hold, and thank you for your patience. The hold will take a bit longer than I expected. Would you mind leaving me your [contact details] so I can contact you once the issue is resolved?


– This is taking me a bit more time than I thought it would. Would you mind holding for [time]? I will do my best to solve the issue by then.


From <>








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